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Yes is the First Word of Power
Introduction to Light Touch and the Law of Attraction
Overcome your challenges
Achieve your dreams
Yes to Miracles, Yes to Good Fortune, Yes to Divine Love.
Apply Light Touch
Explore the principle of magnetic attraction
Yes is the first word of power
What we are saying
Yes Yes Yes
to miracle healing,
spiritual wellness, and Divine Love
Times 10x10x10x10x.
This is the Angel Frequence
known as
Also I want you to know that
1111 x 1111 = 54321
These are power numbers and we use them to Invoke into the Unseen Realms.
On the video below
Imagine each light whispering "Yes"
To use the law of attraction, you want to put positive energy out into the world so that positive things come back to you. You can put out positive energy by thinking positive thoughts, visualizing your dreams coming true, and expressing gratitude for the things you already have.
It is understood that we
Practice Light Touch while invoking, visualizing, Praying.
The Light Touch sends your intentions and delivers your requests in the unseen realms. It is a call to action that motivates positive change and positive outcomes.
New Beginnings / Happy Endings.
Contact us:
Jay Mayer
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